Kalah Seminar & Instructor Update Course with Idan Abolnik

When Idan Abolnik made his impactful return at the International Instructor Update Course in Prague last year, it was a lightbulb moment for us. We knew we had to bring his expertise and vision to The Netherlands, as the last attempt was nullified by the pandemic. It was this collective aspiration that led to the …

First-Hand Kalah Instructor Course Experience in South Africa

If you’ve been following our journey, you’ll know that we recently had the incredible opportunity to host a seminar with Idan Abolnik right here in The Netherlands. The experience was so impactful that it inspired us to revisit and adapt one of our most popular articles from 2019. For those who are new or want …

Idan Abolnik: The Visionary Behind the Kalah Combat System

Idan Abolnik is not just a name in the world of self-defense and combat training; he’s a force to be reckoned with. Born and raised in Israel, his journey from a small town called Beer Sheva to becoming the founder of the Kalah Combat System is nothing short of inspiring. A Formidable Background From a …